Varicose veins are swollen enlarged veins, usually affecting the legs and feet, which may be lumpy and often tortuous in appearance. They can lead to numerous symptoms including cramping pain, dry/itchy skin, leg swelling, burning or throbbing pain, as well as concerns about their cosmetic appearance. Fortunately there are a number of minimally invasive and surgical options available for the treatment of varicose veins.
People suffering with symptomatic varicose veins that have failed to respond to conservative management may benefit from treatment with venaseal. This treatment may be used in isolation in cases where other interventions such as EVLT aren’t suitable, or frequently may be used in combination with other surgical or non-surgical interventions.
Venaseal treatment involves the injection of a specially formulated medical glue into affected varicose veins under ultrasound guidance. Unlike some other treatment options, venaseal glue can be injected directly into the vein via a small catheter, and does not require the use of any local anaesthetic agents. the vein will usually disappear over the course of a few days.
Venaseal glue injection is typically carried out as a day case procedure, and you will usually be home the same day. The treated vein(s) will usually disappear over the course of a few days. Sometimes, further treatment of the vein may be required.
The risks associated with venaseal injection are relatively small, but there is always a small risk that the treated veins may come back in the future. All risks and benefits of the procedure will be discussed in detail before any intervention.
For more information, or to arrange a consultation, please feel free to contact us via the ‘contact’ tab above.